Business Solutions

Horwich Farrelly achieves dramatic cost savings

Established in 1969, Horwich Farrelly has grown to become one of the leading providers of legal and handling services to the UK general insurance sector.

The company believed it was spending too much on its print infrastructure and feedback from across the business was that the legacy equipment was unreliable, constantly breaking down and that outputting documents was slow and time consuming.

By partnering with Konica Minolta, Horwich Farrelly implemented a new infrastructure and achieved:

  • Print cost savings of £90,000 annually
  • Reliable and consistent user experience
  • Seamless, transparent management of print supplies and stock levels

Monitoring and control of the entire print estate ensured that future investment in technology would be an easier transition for  smoother, more efficient workflows, as well as cost savings across the entire business.


Focus on your core tasks and let us manage your printing infrastructure

Are you aware of your printing costs? If yes, you already know that hardware and consumables only account for some of it. Other aspects to consider are the infrastructure, which should fit your company’s specific requirements, and has to adapt to the processes and workflows it is a part of. Most importantly, you just want everything to work!

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Concentrate on your core business objectives and break free from mundane tasks

Daily, the flood of information, data and documents that companies need to deal with is growing – e-mails, data files, invoices etc. inflate the data volume. Unstructured knowledge is frequently stored in disparate data silos, which makes internal procedures more time-consuming, impedes transparency, and can delay important decisions.

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The implementation of the new solution saw minimum disruption, as the Konica Minolta OPS team worked in close collaboration throughout, ensuring a seamless roll-out. Find out  more about how Horwich Farrelly boosted productivity and deliver continuous optimisation download the case study.


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